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"Many professionals possess excellent
spoken communication skills but often lack
confidence when writing."
  left_bracket Our Approach

Business Writing International (BWI) delivers focused training set within the trainees’ professional context.

The BWI training process includes:
  • a thorough analysis of the firm's writing skills requirements
  • a review of the firm’s documentation
  • a pre-seminar questionnaire to obtain trainee information
  • a pre-seminar awareness-raising task
  • a pre-seminar writing task
  • face-to-face or online training, with customised materials
BWI also offers post-seminar writing skills coaching, face-to-face or online, to promote further writing skills development.
  our approach
  Business Writing International
60 Bramfield Road, London
SW11 6RB England, UK
Tel:       +44 (0) 207 223 6933
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