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"A lack of precision and clarity in written
communication, whether client-facing
or internal, can have serious cost
consequences for the firm."
  left_bracket Why use BWI?

Poorly written English documentation can impact negatively on a firm in the following ways:
  • extra costs: badly drafted documents may necessitate further unbudgeted editing and redrafting work, which cannot be billed to the client
  • delays because of misunderstandings arising from unclear wording
  • client frustration or irritation at inappropriate or ambiguous wording
  • impairment of the firm’s reputation for quality, service and efficiency
Business Writing International (BWI) provides practical solutions to overcome such problems:
  • trainer expertise
  • tailored course design
  • relevant materials
  • effective training delivery
  why use bwi
  Business Writing International
60 Bramfield Road, London
SW11 6RB England, UK
Tel:       +44 (0) 207 223 6933
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